Thursday, August 26, 2010

About three things I was absolutely positive....... First, winter was in full swing. Second, there is a part of me that absolutely adores hats of shape and kind. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with bamboo!

You could be forgiven for thinking I am in a Twilight-induced-blog-posting-haze, however this is NOT the case. I have just found out that my good friend Simone over at Monkey Caboose has some totally divine winter hats made from....... (you guessed it) BAMBOO!

Zooni Mop Top bamboo hats feature one-of-a-kind designs that are guaranteed to turn heads! Each hat is hand knit with love and care from custom made bamboo yarn. Lined with soft fleece or jersey, these hats provide maximum warmth and comfort for your child. The perfect finishing touch to any outfit - and boy are they cute!

Zooni bamboo hats are available in 3 sizes - Small (6-12 months), Medium (12 -24 Months) and Large (2-5 yrs) you can dress your little person in a beautiful, warm and absolutely gorgeous winter hat.

Monkey Caboose has two bamboo styles available - "Dyno-mite" and "Sweet on you" Cupcake and a huge range of other adorable Zooni hats for winter - I just love them!


  1. How cute is that cupcake one? you rock Simone x

  2. Oh saw you on ACA! Congratulations on the success of your wonderful business! A-M xx

  3. those hats are too cute! just found your blog love it! Naomi
