"OFTEN the best business ideas come out of necessity. Erin Edwards turned her back on the corporate life when she settled down just over two years ago to have her first child with husband of five years, Cameron. Being away from the concrete jungle gave Ms Edwards the opportunity to make her family’s life more environmentally friendly.
Already a strict vegetarian, Ms Edwards started growing her own produce in the back yard of her home. But it was while raising her two children, Alice (2) and 10-month-old Oscar, that she discovered how difficult it was to find eco-friendly baby products. And thus Ms Edwards’ business, ecobabies, was born.
“I started ecobabies to give people the opportunity to see and touch a range of natural, eco-friendly baby products in a relaxed environment,” she said.
“I am passionate about babies and caring for the environment and it was important to me to combine the two.”
Knowing all too well that new mums are time-precious, Ms Edwards has tried to make ecobabies an accessible and stress-free shopping experience. “The idea is that people have an ecobabies party where I come to their home and demonstrate the range of products,” she said. “They include cloth nappies, nappy accessories, bamboo clothing, baby care products and baby carriers.”
I am delighted that Erin has chosen to introduce Babyjo (along with other gorgeous brands) to her rapidly growing market/clients, and I am so excited to see how well she is going already - What a fabulous idea, it is just like having a department store come to you (with carefully chosen items) in your own home - Too easy!

If you are interested in booking an ecobabies party - feel free to download/browse through ecobabies range in their online catalogue, or call Erin for further details (contact number is located on website)
Thanks again Erin and all the best for ecobabies in 2010.
What a fantastic idea!!!