Anyhow - I will get back on track - I was chatting with a friend on another forum and discovered she has the most fabulous business - Annika's Favourites - based in St Kilda, Melbourne.
Basically, Katie understands that not every parent is able to concoct gourmet purees, bite sized bits'n'pieces or tempting toddler treats every single night of the week.... Let's face it - we are all only human!
Annika's favourites offer an affordable and convenient solution - Frozen trays (conveniently in 6 portions) of super meal choices for any baby or toddler. To support the theory of freezing, numerous studies have shown that frozen fruit and vegetables are equally or more nutritious than the fresh equivalent (Journal of Food Quality, Choice Magazine), this is because the produce deteriorates over the length of time that it is picked to when it arrives in a store (Choice Magazine 2007). Annika's Favourites pick the very best produce from local farms, so food will always be that of which is currently in season. They then prepare their delightful meals and freeze them immediately to conserve the fantastic nutrition levels.
So, on those nights when you just can't face boiling the broccoli and carrot and pureeing it until smooth in consistency only to find that it goes untouched - simply break out a favourite of Annikas, and ....... who loves ya baby!
The thing that i totally adore about this idea is the names on their menu - worth having a look at, but here are just a few - I know Mia would love it if i made up names like this for her each night.
Penguin Pumpkin and Polar Bear Pear
Now Im Eating (7+months - Textured and tasty)
Ralphs Dahl with Brown Rice (sounds delicious)
Eating with Gusto (9+months - lumpy)
Sea Lion Bolognese Pasta
So, as you can imagine, your freezer can hold a veritable delight for your little bub, established eater or fussy toddler - and you dont have to worry about a thing! No shopping tonight - no cooking either...... Maybe an ideal moment to put your feet up and have a wine.
Annika's deliver, so even if you are unprepared, you can call in the morning and have dinner "on the plate" in no time. I urge you to check out Annika's Favourites and try some on your little one today.
Katie has also kindly shared one of her special meals on her blog, I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it with you, it sounds perfect for winter and little hungry tummies!
This is a tasty dish and a bit of a variation on standard scalloped potatoes. A good crowd pleaser and (quick) comfort food during this chilly weather.
- 375 g tin of tuna, drained
- 2 cups of white sauce (equal parts of butter and flour then add milk to achieve your desired consistency)
- Salt and pepper
- 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
- 3.25 cups cooked sliced potatoes
- 1 cup of chopped onion
Make the white sauce. Add seasonings. Layer potatoes, tuna and onions in a lightly buttered oblong baking dish. Add sauce, bake at 190C for 45 minutes.
What a great idea! If only I heard about Annika's favorites when we were busy pureeing food for Violet. Would have saved us some precious time to rest.