It's official that I am even more in love with Bamboo now that I am getting knee deep into my research of this incredible resource.
I’m in search of Australian bamboo. It just so happens I have a holiday booked to the northern rivers of NSW (before the opportunity to buy babyjo had even come up ;). Upon arrival I was very excited to discover bamboo – is everywhere! Bamboo certainly is not growing in my local Blue Mountains town in NSW.
The gorgeous house @ Bangalow we rented was called Bungalow3 (divine plus!) and even had a bamboo fence or 2 and a bamboo tree outside the window :) I took that as a very good omen on arrival.
A bit of research on my holiday (thanks to google and some phone calls), means I have discovered that Australia actually has about 5 species of native bamboo . . so perhaps my dream of using Australian bamboo for babyjo isn’t such a pipe dream after-all . . . It makes much more environmental sense to support local industry and get the resource as locally sourced as possible.
My love of Bamboo and passion to find a resource that is sustainable, has taken me on a search of bamboo forests across the northern rives. I am finding lovely spots daily where I can sit under the VERY tall bamboo shoots and marvel at the grandeur and simplicity of a bamboo plantation. I cuddle my son (in his babyjo romper ;) and it’s pretty hard to believe that these gorgeous plants can turn into my equally gorgeous clothing range.
I have realized it is time for me to investigate the 'how’ of bamboo fibre production a little more. I don’t know all that much about the actual process of transforming bamboo trees into bamboo fibre clothing, and I want to make sure I am doing it as environmentally friendly as possible.Time to ask my chinese manufacturer a few questions ;)
As I transform my own knowledge I can't help but feel there is a global shift taking place - where we can all start to consciously create our futures instead of the old 'search and destroy' mentality.
Definitely on the bamboo trail now – and loving it.
Oh I must also confess that I am certainly making some time to spend by the ocean - running on the beach with my beautiful children :)